Tea Land

Ceylon Green Tea

Introduction to Ceylon Green Tea

The name ‘Ceylon Tea’ is very popular in the world for black tea. However, a significant amount of green tea is produced in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has a very good reputation for producing high-quality Ceylon green tea.

Although the Ceylon green tea industry is young, it is growing rapidly because its products are popular among the tea-drinking nations of the world. Currently, the taste of Ceylon green tea is spreading rapidly in the world and Sri Lanka exports Ceylon green tea mainly to Middle East countries.

Ceylon green tea is produced by several manufacturers on some estates in the mid-grown and high-grown regions. Basically, there are two main methods of green tea production Japanese and Chinese. In addition, organic green tea and hand-made green tea are also produced in Sri Lanka to some extent.

Production Process of Ceylon Green Tea

Immature leaves of tea plants are used in the production of green tea. The scientific name of the tea plant is Camellia sinensis.

The main difference between green tea and black tea is that green tea does not undergo a fermentation process during manufacturing. Therefore, there is a difference between the compound in black tea and green tea.

Ceylon green tea is produced in Sri Lanka under two main manufacturing methods. The processing methods also can be divided into the Japanese method and the Chinese method.

  • Panning (Chinese method)
  • Steaming (Japanese method)

For pan-frying method, we usually use a roasting drum and keep the temperature of the drum at 180 degrees Celsius and the resident time of the withered leaf is two minutes.

In the Japanese system, the withered tea leaves are exposed to steam-heated to 100 0C for two minutes.

Both of the above methods, basically apply pre-heart to the withered tea leaves to inactivate the enzyme in the leaves. This prevents the fermentation process from taking place.

Steps of Ceylon Green Tea Processing

  • Withering
  • Fixing
  • First Drying
  • Rolling
  • Final dying and polishing
  • Grading

Major Ceylon Green Tea Grades

  • CH Chunmee  – Curl twisted pieces
  • Gun Powder 1 -Twisted and Coarse similar to Black tea grade Pekoe but color is green
  • Gun Powder 2 -Little opened coarse slightly bigger then Gun Powder 1
  • Gun Powder Special  -Bloom Curl twisted pieces bigger then Chunmee
  • Sencha  -It consists of tiny dark green color needle – shaped pieces
  • Green Curl  -Opened coarse greenish color leaves
  • Green Tea Flowery Fanning’s  -Similar to the black tea grade “BOPF” firm leaf but Green color consisting little tips
  • Green Tea Flowery Fanning’s 1  -Similar to the “Green Tea Flowery Fanning’s” but little bigger in size
  • Sowmee  -Even and neat opened pieces
  • Green Curl  -Opened coarse more dark color leaves

Read more about green tea processing

Health Benefits of Ceylon Green Tea

Many types of research have shown that green tea is one of the healthiest beverage in the world. This is largely due to the antioxidants contained in green tea. It mainly helps to increase brain activities, burn more fat, protect against cancer and reduce the risk of heart diseases. In addition, there are many other health benefits. Tea powder contains many of the healthy compounds that have in the tea plant. Tea is rich in polyphenols and there are so many health benefits could obtain from that.

 Catechin (Epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is another chemical compound found in green tea. It is a natural antioxidant and prevents damages to cells. These things reduce the free radicals formation in the body, cell protection, and prevent molecules from damages.

Ceylon Green Tea and Weight loss

Green tea has an ability to reduce weight. It contains caffeine and Catechins that help the body to burn excess fat produced by metabolic processes. It also increases the amount of energy the body receives.

Ceylon Green Tea Prevent from Cancer

Green tea is caused to the prevention of certain types of cancers, like oral cancer. Tea leaves contain bioactive and possibly immune-stimulatory Polyphenols.  (ex. Flavonoids, Catechins, Tannins). They have anti-cancer effects. Therefore green tea is widely consumed by cancer patients. Some epidemiological studies have shown that drinking plenty of green tea, reduces the risk of cancer. Therefore green tea consumption is likely to be generally safe for cancer patients and people at risk of cancer. Some clinical trials have found, consumption of a high level of green tea that means seven cups per day, would reduce the risk of prostate, liver, and endometrial cancer. They can also reduce the risk of Leukemia in adults.  

 Ceylon Green Tea and Cholesterol

Many researchers have found that green tea intake significantly lowered cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. Polyphenols (Flavonoids) avoid so many unhealthy conditions. Many experiments have shown that green tea Catechins significantly reduce the cholesterol level in plasma. Green tea affects lipid profiles in Cardio-vascular diseases like Hypercholesterolemia, Hypertension, and Glucose Intolerance.

Ceylon Green Tea and Heart Problems

Drinking green tea reduces the risk of Cardio-vascular disease. It will help you preventing death from heart attacks and stroke. Some studies have proven that those who drink more than five cups of green tea a day had a 26% lower risk of heart attack or stroke. If a person drinks one cup of green tea, it is caused to reduce the risk by 16% from all causes. Green tea is reduced LDL Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels. The active Polyphenols in the green tea is the factor for this situation. There are no serious side effects have reported from this combination. Green tea is rich in Oxalate and affects Kidney Stones. If you drink green tea heavily, it may improve your Cardio-vascular health. 

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