Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green Tea and Weight Loss

Nutrients in Green Tea

Green tea has a variety of nutrients. Those nutrients are beneficial to your health. These are some of the beneficial nutrients:

  • Tannins
  • Phenols
  • Polyphenols
  • Flavonoid components
  • Amino acid
  • Theanine
  • Catechins (the most beneficial of which appears to be EGCG)

Here are the health benefits that are gained from the green tea

  • Skin protection from UV radiation
  •  Protection against a variety of malignancies
  •  Increased life span
  •  Brain protection
  •  Increased antioxidant levels

Theanine is contained in tea and coffee. It is caused to heighten mental clarity, and even give a relaxed yet alert condition.

Improved fat metabolism is important when reducing your weight. It simply refers to how quickly you burn calories and how well your body burns fat. According to the studies, there is a link between the caffeine in green tea and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). They cause a noradrenaline surge. Noradrenaline aids in the acceleration of your metabolism and the suppression of your hunger.

Some experts advise taking a standardized green tea supplement with 90mg of EGCG and 50mg of caffeine. Of course, before taking any supplement, especially one containing caffeine, you should always see your doctor and get medical advice from him.

Green tea drinking is a relaxing experience. There are so many excellent green teas in the world. Some of that tasted like blended grass. The combination of green tea and lemongrass is very good in taste. You should be doing experiments with different green tea flavors and see what you can come up with.

You might fall in love with one or more of them. Warming up green tea in the microwave before drinking is a good thing to be practiced. You can boil many bags at a time with boiling water and then store them in the refrigerator for a refreshing drink.

Green tea can also help you lose weight if you drink it instead of something sugary like coffee or cola. So many acquaintances begin their days with a sugary caffeinated cola or sweetened iced tea. Why not try substituting green tea for this and reap the same benefits? Instead of a cup of coffee after lunch, try a cup of green tea.

You’ll be doing something good for your body, and you won’t get the “crash” that coffee can cause an hour or so later. Enjoy a cup of green tea before your workout. However, do not consume it too late in the day.

A cup of green tea has about half the caffeine content of a cup of coffee. If you have caffeine sensitivity, proceed with caution or avoid it altogether.

Obtaining an ideal weight is a very important thing that you leading a healthy lifestyle.

Green tea, in my opinion, is an efficient weight-loss tool.

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