Home Made Bubble Tea

Home Made Bubble Tea

This article describes how to easily make a home made bubble tea. Most of the time, reading an article and preparing food is boring task , but we hope this is not the case. For this we should have got a simple idea of what Bubble Tea is. you can get good idea about bubble tea by reading the home made bubble tea article.

Bubble tea Cups

What is Bubble Tea?

Bubble tea is one of favourite thing to drink in the summer. Bubble Tea is a Taiwanese great recipe made by mixing a tea base with fruit, juices and milk. Most of the time in addition to tea, topping is used. And also it’s known as boba milk tea, pearl milk tea or simply boba in many counties in world. This drink was invented in Taichung in the 1980s in Taiwan. Today bubble tea became prevalent in many countries in the world such as Hong Kong, Japan, America, South Africa and North America.

Mainly we use Black tea, Green tea and Oolong tea to make Bubble with other flavours and fillings In Addition to quenching thirst, drinking bubble tea has many health benefits for our body. As a special advantage we can point out the antioxidant properties of tea.

Type of Bubble Tea

You can also get Bubble tea in two major categories, with milk and without milk. Both types are based on black, green or oolong tea. It tastes like sweet, cool refreshment and a really tasty treat. It has as much flavor as tea and fruit so you can choose. The oldest method of preparing Bubble tea drink was a mixture of hot Taiwanese black tea, tapioca pearls, pure milk and honey syrup. Nowadays, bubble tea is often served cold. Different type topping are used to make bubble tea as examples Boba, Pudding, Grass jelly, Aloe Vera, Sago or tapioca, Taro balls, Whipped foam and Red bean.  Bubble tea is classified according to the topping, natural pigments and natural flavors used to make it.

  • Classic Milk Tea
  • Brown Sugar
  • Taro Milk Tea
  • Fruit-Filled(not included milk)
  • Fully Loaded
  • Eye Candy
  • Cheese Tea
  • Bubble Waffles

How to Make a Home Made Bubble Tea Cup


  • Black tea Bags (7 bags)
  • Cups hot water (4 bags)
  • Quick-cooking tapioca pearls(3/4 Cup)
  • Milk(One Glass)
  • Syrup to serve

Instruction Home Made Bubble Tea Cup

Put the tea bags in hot water for about five minutes and extract the infusion. There will be a strong bitter taste here so don’t worry about it we will finally add more sugar and other creams.

Make simply syrup by adding water and sugar to a saucepan and mix everything quickly. Heat the water to medium and cook until the water boils and the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove the saucepan from the heat and allow the simple syrup to cool before transferring to a bowl.

Take four cups of well heated water and add tapioca pearls into it. After stir the tapioca pearls until pearl floats to the surface and leave on stove for about five minutes. Check whether Pearl is reached desired level of softness as we want to be. Remove the pearl from the hot water with slotted spoon and rinse with water as soon as possible .Put the pearl in another bowl and mix it with syrup using tablespoon.

Put tapioca pearls into every glass and put about a one half cups of extracted black tea. The add ¼ cup of heavy cream (or think milk) and mix well using a tablespoon and taste it. You can make different bubble teas using various topping as above mentioned. 

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